
Fettabsaugung bei "Buried Penis"

As a result of significant weight gain, there is often an increase in fatty tissue in the area of ​​the mons pubis. The unfavorable enlargement of this fat deposit inevitably leads to a visual loss of length of the penis – the so-called „buried penis“ / syndrome of the „buried“ penis .

Der vergrabene Penis

– Schematische Darstellung einer Schamhügelreduktion –
– Schematische Darstellung einer Schamhügelreduktion –

Gründe für eine Schamhügelreduktion

As a result of significant weight gain, there is often an increase in fatty tissue in the area of ​​the pubic mound . The unfavorable enlargement of this fat deposit inevitably leads to a visual loss of length of the penis . In English specialist literature, this condition is referred to as a “ buried penis “ – translated, this describes the condition of the penis being buried by fatty tissue, which causes it to lose visual length.

Was ist das „buried penis“ Syndrom?

The visible part of the penis is increasingly reduced due to the increase in volume of the fat deposits. In the worst case, the penis is completely covered by the fat deposits, which often causes affected men to feel as if they have lost penis length.

To counteract this development, there is the option of performing a mons pubis reduction . The apron of fat that surrounds the penis is suctioned out or surgically removed . The aim of both procedures is to make the penis visible again in its full length and thus achieve a visual penis enlargement.

Operative Methoden

During liposuction in the area of ​​the mons pubis, the excess fatty tissue is sucked out in the same way as with liposuction on the abdomen or buttocks.

In the case of very voluminous fat deposits in the area of ​​the mons pubis, the skin and the underlying fatty tissue may have to be surgically removed and the mons pubis gathered in order to free the penis from its sheath .

A mons pubis reduction is usually performed as part of a surgical penis enlargement, but can also be performed as a standalone procedure to remove unwanted fat pads covering the penis.


Dauer des Eingriffesca. 60-120 min
Krankenhausaufenthaltambulant möglich bei Liposuktion
Arbeitsfähigam darauffolgenden Tag
Risikoprofilwir klären Sie vor dem Eingriff detailliert über potentielle Risiken auf
Geschlechtsverkehrnach ca. 4 Wochen wieder möglich
Sportverbot2 Wochen
Endresultatnach ca. 4-8 Wochen sind alle Nähte resorbiert

Schamhügelreduktion erwünscht - was tun?

If you suffer from Buried Penis Syndrome, do not hesitate to contact us. You can share your worries and fears with me in a discreet and professional environment.

Let’s find a solution together today!

Dr Franklin Kuehhas is a specialist in urology and andrology. He completed his training and specialization at the medical university clinics in Heidelberg and Vienna as well as at the University College London. There he also acquired his specialization in the field of reconstructive andrology. Dr. Kuehhas‘ main areas of focus include the treatment of Induratio penis plastica, congenital penile curvature , the implantation of penile prostheses and also aesthetic genital surgery in men .